A public meeting last night about local government reorganisation in Rutland showed almost unanimous support for the county to join South Kesteven, North Kesteven and South Holland
in a new authority at the four proposals explained by Rutland and Stamford MP, the rest of which looked to Leicester and Leicestershire, including Rutland joining with Melton and Charnwood. As backed by the leader of Rutland County Council, a show of hands at the end of the discussion showed closer links looking east. South Kesteven District Councils leader Ashley Baxter was there to see it.
'I think there's commonality in the geography and the demographics of South Holland, the Kestevens and Rutland and we are market towns with the rural hinterland. We've got an agricultural industry, we've got a rich military heritage which also translates into servicing the defence industry. So we've got a lot in common, Rutland and Kesteven, and it definitely should be explored’.