It's hoped today's Have a Go session of Rutland Morris will further invigorate the side as
they continue to practise for the new season. Last year they held their first event at Ashwell Village Hall for new members and took on three which remained with the side. Squire John Barsby believes new blood gave the side fresh enthusiasm and also drew the crowds at their festive events a month ago.
‘And in departing with the Rutland Morris Men and becoming Rutland Morris and opening our doors and welcoming in new dancers. It has lifted the spirit, the enthusiasm within the existing side and it's so good to see dancers that joined with us on our first Open Doors event last January to be out dancing with us and then on into our Cotswold season which kicks off officially May Day morning. We will be out and about with our mummers play again, for those that really are our fans, to celebrate St. George's Day’.