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New home for Uppingham Police

Improvements for police in Uppingham were officially opened by the Chief Constable, Police and Crime Commissioner and the Mayor.

Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Mathews says it is perfect. "I approached Uppingham and asked if they had anything available and they were using the front room for storage and they thought about finding another store area which means that this leaves the ground floor room with a bay window overlooking the High Street which is now being used as an office. So my thanks to the Town Council"

The new Chief Constable of Police Rob Nixon says he's committed to finding solutions like this. "For me my heart is very much about the more you can localise policing in the heart of communities the better policing is. Now of course there's economies of scale there, my challenge is to try and ensure that we get that perfect balance of delivering the best possible policing services to the communities within the budget. Then I've got a fine balancing act of what is complex and what is visible in the hidden crime and what needs to be delivered and better delivered locally and what I need to have as a specialist area to support the local teams."

Oakham Police Station on Station Road is set to reopen to the public next year as building work is needed to recreate access. It will take a few months.

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