As temperatures continue to dip below freezing in Rutland and Stamford and tonight could be the coldest night for at least a week,
the Rural Community Council has been in Rutland offering support to keep people warm. The WOW Project, which stands for Warm Optimistic and Well is funded by Cadent Gas and has tips on cooking and heating economically. They were at the Chater Lodge Winter Community Fair at Ketton yesterday. Annika Bradford from the project says there are lots of ways to keep yourself warm in the home without heating all of it.
‘There's a whole thing at the moment with the Government about keeping the person warm and not the home. So there's things we can kind of suggest that can kind of help with with our project as well. So things like heated blankets are quite a good thing. They can stay warm for up to 10 hours. If someone particularly stays in one room and is sat in a chair for a lot of the day a heated blanket, you know, is a good option because it it's actually a lot cheaper to run. Staying active as well can help in the home and I know that's not possible for everybody, but certainly it's an option for some people and you know, just generally extra layers and things like that. Well, I guess it's all sort of common sense really, but you know, there's lots of different sort of options out there and lots of different projects and community services around that look at things like insulating your home and staying warm and safe really’.