There's less than a week to have your say on Rutland County Council's proposals to merge travel to school and post 16 policies.
A survey runs on their website until next Friday. They're hoping that combining three or even four policies together makes it simpler to know what to apply for. Councillor Christine Wise is Portfolio Holder for Transport, Environment and Communities and says they want to hear from parents, carers, schools, colleges and others who use a variety of school and SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities) transport.
"We decided to combine them because we think there's sometimes confusion, which one do I need to look at? If my child has an education health and care plan, do they automatically fall into the SEND policy or do they fall under the ordinary travel to school policy? There's also a misunderstanding that it's all about buses, which it isn't. It's about all travel to school. So we want to combine the policies so it is much clearer on a sort of continuum of what is available and how you apply."