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Future Rutland Conversation receives over 1600 responses in first month

The Future Rutland Conversation survey, now in its fourth week, has already received over 1600 responses from Rutland residents and workers. Quality of rural life and a sense of belonging to a small community have been cited as one of the many reasons locals love the county.

Quality of rural life, belonging to a small community and the county’s wide variety of independent businesses, pubs and restaurants have all been cited as reasons locals love the county.  It’s still got over a month to run, but early findings have already been released by the Council’s Future Rutland Conversation which has had over 1600 survey responses, and 600 comments via the online forums.  Walking has been found to be the county’s most popular leisure activity by far with cycling second, then swimming in third place.  85% of people use cars, but over a third say they would change the way they travel if more frequent and more direct public transport was available.

The Future Rutland Conversation was launched by Rutland County Council at the beginning of April and is a chance for people who live and work in the county to comment on a range of important issues. The survey can be found at:  www.rutland.gov.uk/futurerutland  or by calling Rutland County Council on 01572 722 577.

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