Wildlife fans are breathing a sigh of relief as the two most famous ospreys spend their first full day together in months.
Maya arrived back at Rutland Water yesterday morning, after last year suffering health issues, but she did improve during the season. She's now around 18 years old and is the most successful breeding female in the country, having raised 38 chicks since 2010. 33(11) has been her mate for several years. Volunteer at the Lyndon Visitor Centre, Pete says Maya quickly found her place on the Manton Bay nest as fellow female 25(10) flew off in search of her mate.
"As soon as Maya came back, she soon ousted 25. But I think the amazing thing to me, the fact that Maya's come back at all, because last year she was quite ill when she arrived. She had breathing issues and she had problems raising the one chick. But throughout the season she gradually improved. But we didn't know whether she'd make it back this year, because she's been breeding here now for 15 years. She's already had 38 chicks herself. So it's amazing that she's actually made it back this year, and she can start yet another season here at Rutland Water."