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Aladdin opens in Stamford Arts Centre

Aladdin begins tonight at the Stamford Arts Centre

It’s that time of year again (oh no it isn’t!). Local theatre company Polkadot Pantomimes begins its run of Aladdin at the Stamford Arts Centre tonight, welcoming the public back to the theatre after Covid restrictions saw many miss their annual pantos in previous years.

It’s curtain up for two weekends of panto at the Stamford Arts Centre, starting tonight. Aladdin, from the local company Polkadot Pantomimes, will have eleven performances over five days, this weekend and next. The cast have been working on different pantos across the country, including Grantham and Bristol.

Vince Williams, who plays Widow Twanky, says the intimacy of the Arts Centre means a lot of audience involvement:

“It’s brilliant here, it’s really close” says Vince, “you can see the faces….and that’s the main part of panto – getting that reaction and seeing the kids just going mad when they think there’s something behind you!”

Vince goes on to say that more and more people are coming back into theatre following the restrictions of previous years.

To find out more please click here: Aladdin by Polka Dot Pantomimes - Stamford Pantomime 2023 (stamfordartscentre.com)

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