The Rutland Community Fridge Project has saved 50 tons of food from landfill since it began in October, 2020.
The scheme which started in Uppingham and also has two openings in Oakham each week these days is also open every other Saturday morning at St. Mary's Church in Greetham, including today.
Yesterday, the project gave its donations from those who came to collect the food, which normally help with running costs, to Comic Relief. Coordinator of the project, Sue Ball, says saving fifty tons of food over their existence, helps the environment, people's pocket and they've also helped broaden their customer's palates.
"And we've rescued all of that food from going into landfill and being wasted. And some people around Rutland, of course, have had some very, very tasty meals as a result. And the lovely thing is that people come and have conversations about food and sometimes take things that they wouldn't normally take. Because you can take a risk on an artichoke or something a bit more unusual and talk to others in the queue about recipes and ways of cooking those. So it's a fantastic way of having conversations about good food at the same time."