Local Government Reorganisation
A roundup of the news we have so far.
Click here for Rutland MP Alicia Kearns' Save Rutland campaign.
Local Government Reorganisation
Rutland has three options on the table when it comes to local government reorganisation.
MP to hold meetings on Local Government Organisation
Rutland and Stamford's MP is holding two meetings next week to gather public opinion on proposals submitted for local government reorganisation.
SKDC votes to include Rutland in Local Government Reorganisation
Councillors at South Kesteven have voted to include Rutland in a proposal for local government reorganisation despite a quarter of councillors objecting.
SKDC Proposals for Local Government Reorganisation
South Kesteven District Council wants to include Rutland in a new unitary authority, under plans for local government reorganisation.
SKDC thoughts on Local Government Reorganisation
South Kesteven District Council is expected to publish its thoughts on Local Government Reorganisation today ahead of the deadline for initial proposals later this week.
Local Government Reorganisation
As Oakham gets ready for a day of Spring shopping with a special day of events, the fight to save Rutland's ceremonial status steps up a gear.
Local Govt Reorganisation
The leader of Rutland County Council says the only option currently open to Rutland is to work with the seven districts of Leicestershire in local government reorganisation with a preferred approach to join Melton and Charnwood in a larger unitary authority.
Local Govt Reorganisation: Rutland councillors to meet again
Rutland County Councillors will once again meet tonight to debate the future of the county and local government reorganisation.
Local Govt Reform: Lincolnshire proposals
As Rutland County Council continues to consult with its residents, councillors and other Leicestershire councils over local government reorganisation, currently favouring a partnership with Melton and Charnwood, Lincolnshire County Council is also proposing a north south split, either with all seven districts together as one authority, aside from north and northeast Lincolnshire, or including East and West Lindsey in the north, and the remaining five districts together.
Service of Thanksgiving for Rutland
Hundreds celebrate Rutland in the county service at Peterborough Cathedral.
County Council confirms date of devolution meeting
Rutland County Council has confirmed the date of its second special meeting to discuss devolution and local government reorganisation. It will be on Tuesday the 11th of March.
Local Government Reorganisation
Rutland County Council and the seven districts of Leicestershire have announced their thinking on the new authorities for local government reorganisation.
Rutland County Council do not support Leicestershire plans
Rutland County Council along with Leicestershire's seven borough and district councils has issued a joint statement saying they do not support Leicestershire County Council's plans to continue with one large unitary authority for the county and that residents deserve better in the upcoming local government reorganisation.
MP sets out six tests to protect Rutland's status
Rutland's MP, Alicia Kearns, has set out six tests that she feels best represent the views of people of England's smallest mainland county as local government reorganisation sees Rutland likely to merge with neighbouring authorities.
Save Rutland's ceremonial status
The campaign to protect Rutland's ceremonial county status as upcoming local government reorganization threatens its survival is gathering pace.
Petition to save Rutland's ceremonial status
Could your local help to protect Rutland's ceremonial status in local government reorganization?
Could Rutland join South Kesteven?
The door for Rutland to join South Kesteven isn't closed, say councillors there, despite the government saying that authorities should be aligned with emergency services, such as their police and fire.
Rutland and Stamford MP attended meeting
Rutland and Stamford's MP Alicia Kearns took the unusual step of speaking in the meeting at Catmos House last night, she says, to ensure all voices will be heard.
Future of Rutland
The leader of Rutland County Council says she will engage with fellow councillors and residents in the next few months of local government reorganisation.
Rutland County Council to hold special meeting on the future of Rutland
The leader of Rutland County Council hopes a special meeting tonight will help councillors reach agreement on the way forward for the county and local government reorganisation.
Rutland cannot continue as a small unitary authority believes Leader
The government is proposing to combine district councils and smaller unitary authorities (such as Rutland) into larger unitary authorities. Rutland County Council's Leader gives her views and shares her knowledge with Rutland & Stamford Sound ahead of a special Council meeting tomorrow night.
Future of Rutland
Ahead of a special council meeting on Tuesday night, Rutland County Councillors are appealing to residents to tell them your opinions on local government reorganisation.
The Future of Rutland - Meeting 2 - Listen Again
The second meeting at Victoria Hall in Oakham, held by Rutland and Stamford's MP Alicia Kearns explains the government's plans and the possible options, as Rutland is urged to merge with its neighbours in local government reorganisation. Includes questions and views from locals who attended.
Future of Rutland
Rutland will not be fast-tracked into local government reorganisation.
Listen to Monday's meeting about the future of Rutland
There's a chance to hear Monday's public meeting about the future of Rutland on Rutland & Stamford Sound tonight.
Future of Rutland
The future of local government reorganization in Rutland shouldn't sit with one person, says the county's MP Alicia Kearns told the audience at her second meeting to hear residents' views last night.